Make Drawing easier with Procreate Artist Pressure Settings
Aug 23, 2021
Changing the pressure graph to my settings in Procreate from the default setting can make your pen tips last longer and stop you damaging the screen.
There are two ways to change the pressure of your stylus. An overall pressure and on each brush.
Procreate Pressure on a Brush
To change the pressure settings on a particular brush, you will need to go into the brush studio, ‘Apple Pencil’ settings and use the sliders to change what the pressure does. Fantastic if you only use a certain brush for inking and [...]
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Work In Progress Of The Goblin King From The Hobbit Miniatures Game
Jul 3, 2018
Miniature Painting & Board Games
The Goblin King model is a Games Workshop miniature from The Hobbit: Escape From Goblin Town - Limited Edition core box starter set with everything you need to start playing the Middle Earth Battle Strategy game set in The Lord Of The Rings universe.
Painting The Goblin King
Some highlights of my work in progress of painting the Goblin King can be seen below.
The whole set was already assembled and glued into the bases. For the Goblin King, I added some epoxy putty into the wide gaps. For the sides, [...]
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What are the best ways to store miniatures?
May 31, 2018
Miniature Painting & Board Games
Storing your carefully painted miniatures to stop them getting damaged and broken is easy once you decide what method to use. This post breaks down some of the most common storage solutions and the pros and cons about each one.
How to store, travel and protect painted miniatures
There are a variety of different approaches when it comes to deciding the best way to look after your miniatures. There's no perfect solution but the "best fit" from a number of options will come down to what you choose to use [...]
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What is Blood Bowl?
Feb 10, 2018
Miniature Painting & Board Games
Answering your questions about the miniature game Blood Bowl. How to get into the game, what teams there are and other helpful links to get started and join the community.
To put it simply, Blood Bowl is 1v1 board game with miniatures in a sports setting. There is strategy in positioning of your players and in choosing the order of risky actions that rely on dice rolls.
The game is set in a fantasy world based on the Warhammer universe with humans, elves, orcs, goblins and many other creatures. During [...]
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